Should Children Be Vaccinated With Gardasil?

Gardasil is a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine capable of preventing specific HPV related maladies such as those instigated by HPV Categories 6, 11, 16, and 18. According to Crooks and Baur, the human papillomavirus is the most generic sexually conveyed virus in the United States of America. In addition, the human papillomavirus is responsible for causing cervical and oropharyngeal cancer in women and men respectively. Pursuant to this information, and taking into consideration the verity that the human race has become more active sexually, vaccinating children with Gardasil can be considered to be an act of parental prudence.

The controversy surrounding the issue of vaccinating children with Gardasil is, in its most congenial form, completely warranted. The Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) is of the view that boys and girls of ages eleven and twelve should have routine Gardasil vaccinations. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) have corroborated the CDC’s recommendation. Conversely, the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) does not support the vaccination of boys aged 11 to 12 with Gardasil.

The people against the vaccination of children with Gardasil usually base their disapproval on the major controversies surrounding the Vaccine. Pursuant to Moritz, Gardasil is a lethal and sometimes fatal chemical. Moritz assertion brings into light some pertinent issues about the HPV vaccine Gardasil. Most of these issues border on ethical transgressions committed and or omitted during the formulation of the Vaccine. According to a confession by the vaccine’s lead researcher at Merck Pharmaceuticals, Gardasil loses its efficacy after five years. For a vaccine with a price tag of about $400 a dose, a life term of five years is despicable and unacceptable. Nevertheless, the benefits of vaccinating children with Gardasil far outweighs the risks. One of the major advantages of Gardasil is that it inhibits the development of specific cancers in both men and women. The vaccine does this via combating HPV infections transmitted through sexual contact. Nowadays, assuming that a child aged 9 is not active sexually would be deceiving oneself. The amount of sexually explicit materials out in the world today is more than enough to compel a child to engage in sexual activities. Consequently, it is okay to abide by the adage of preclusion is better than cure and have him or her vaccinated with Gardasil.
