10 easy topic ideas for persuasive essays

If you are writing a persuasive essay take some time to look over the following 10 easy topic ideas. Remember to pick one side in the argument.

  1. Write about the use of school uniforms
  2. Write about abortion
  3. Write about adoption for gay couples
  4. Write about global warming
  5. Write about college tuition and exams
  6. Write about eastern v. Western medicine
  7. Write about drug use in sports
  8. Write about gambling
  9. Write about reality television’s impact
  10. Write about white collar crimes

When writing a persuasive essay make sure you have a good work space. Why? Because it will:

  • Reduce distractions. When creating a good reading space, you should always reduce the nature of distractions that could be around. For instance, you should get rid of the TV or computers. The area should also be well-lit to ensure that the learner is able to concentrate and focus in the best way possible. Hanging a blinder at the window is another very important thing as it will reduce the chances of the learner being distracted when learning.
  • Comfort. The desk and chair that the learner is using should be very good. Your child needs to have a chair that is designed for learning. A chair that is not comfortable might have serious issues with him understanding the concepts.

Once you have your work space in order it is time to improve your memory and your skills:

  • Teach someone. Sharing is a very important lesson in life. The more you give the more you get. This applies in the education sector. The more you are willing to share the more the knowledge will remain in you. By teaching a colleague, you will be at a better position of understanding the concepts in a better way.
  • Create mind gaps. Most books are arranged in such a way that the beginning is a little easy and the difficulty increases as time goes on. The best way to understand the basics is by creating mind gaps as you read. This is a situation where you create a mind gap and map it several times. The result for this is that it will help you de-serialize the information that you get.
  • Variation. There is power in making several changes in your studying. It is recommended that you try reading in different places such as your bedroom or a sitting room. By doing this, you will have the essence of nature guiding you.