Does a custom essay buy you academic success?

If you aren't great at writing, but you need to complete an essay or term paper for an academic course, you may be considering ordering such an essay from an online professional. This may seem like a great idea to help you earn a good grade in your class, and it can seem appealing because it will alleviate some stress for you. But having an essay written for you may not always guarantee you'll make the grade you think you will.

Re-used Essays

First consider that many sites online that offer an essay writing service actually re-use essays they've written for other clients that have purchased from them. If your topic is a common topic, you may be getting an essay that your professor has seen before. This means he or she could think you have plagiarized the paper, or they may catch you buying the paper. This can result in not only a terrible grade, but could also have you kicked out of the university.

Poor Writing

Just because someone claims to be a good, professional writer does not mean they are. There are many instances where people will go online and offer writing services, but not actually know how to write any better than you do. If you buy a paper form a sub-par writer, you've wasted your time and money and you may still end up with a poor grade.

Not Following Directions

You may get lucky and choose a writer who is a fantastic writer and gives you a great, original piece for your academic essay. But, if they haven't followed all of the rules your professor outlines you may be given the essay back to revise. If the professor is not the type to allow revisions (and there are many of those) you could just be stuck with a mediocre grade.

You Don't Learn Anything

Finally, when you pay someone else to do your writing for you, you will never learn how to be a decent writer. What if you are given a pop quiz and the format must be done in essay style? You could fail it simply because you don't know how to write properly. This will definitely not ensure academic success.

There are many reasons to buy a professionally written academic essay, but there are also many reasons why doing so doesn't always mean you will receive good grades. It's up to you to decide what you're willing to live with in terms of grades and risks in buying an essay instead of writing it on your own.
